Confession: I am a shopaholic. Anyone else? Don’t get me wrong, I never spend beyond my means and sometimes I don’t even buy anything at all (the simple act of window shopping is enough for me) but I just love the whole experience.
If I am on a mission to purchase however, I will take ages over choosing the right thing, making sure I’ve covered all possibilities first. I had a new rug delivered just yesterday, thankfully I was really pleased with it – I had spent months agonising over the perfect monochrome/geometric combination that I was after! Now you understand why my husband refuses to come shopping with me any more *sigh*.
My favourite kind of shopping is clothes shopping (or bags, or shoes…you get my drift) but I’ve recently been on a mission to fall in love with my home again. That inevitably involves a little bit of shopping, yes? A newly acquired piece of furniture, a fresh coat of paint on the walls, or even a simple picture on the wall brings me so much pleasure. It doesn’t have to be expensive, just something that brings a sense of newness to the room.
Two of my favourite shops right now (online of course) are Cox and Cox and Graham and Green. Did I mention how much I love window shopping? That includes the little magazines that fall on my doormat, as well as online browsing. I am an advertiser’s dream I tell you!
So if like me, you’re wanting to bring a little freshness to your home right now, I’ve picked out some things that I love from various online stores; a few of course being from my two favourites.
Who doesn’t love a stag’s head and a little bit of copper?
** Cox & Cox have 20% off everything at the moment. Use the code WREATH26 **
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Sara | mumturnedmom
8 years agoI love the letter lights, I keep looking at them and wanting to buy some for the house… so far I’ve only bought one for my daughters bedroom! I’m a huge fan of fairy lights though, have them up all year and I LOVE those cookie cutter ones… wonder if I can get them shipped to the US 🙂
Suzanne W
8 years ago AUTHORI love fairy lights! I think they make any room look more cosy. We certainly don’t need to wait until Christmas 😉
8 years agoI love all this copper! Some of these would fit so well in our new extension – off to have a look at the websites you mentioned x
Suzanne W
8 years ago AUTHORIsn’t it gorgeous? I’m in the middle of revamping our playroom and turning it into a snug. I think copper might feature quite heavily! x