It’s been a busy one folks. How was your week?
We’ve celebrated a birthday and yet again, I am left wondering how on earth I’m old enough to have a 17 year old. Of course we all know the answer to that and at 45, you would think that I would too! The truth is, I still feel like a teenager myself most days. I wonder if this feeling ever leaves?
I’ve been absent without trace on this ‘ere blog but I have a few ideas brewing, so will be back next week with some home style and plenty more ramblings I’m sure. Until then, here are the things I’ve been loving this week…
I’ve found it really hard to make time for reading books this week. I’m slowly building up my stash of ‘Books I’m halfway through‘ and I have plenty of others on the ‘Books I want to start but know I should finish the other ones first’ pile.
I might not have read any books this week but I have read plenty of articles. One of the things I’ve had a bee in my bonnet over, is the current Netflix sensation: 13 Reasons Why. I know that this is a controversial topic and that many of you will have watched it yourselves and probably enjoyed it, but this programme just doesn’t sit right with me.
Whilst I’m pleased that the writer’s intention was to remind teenagers that there are consequences to actions and that the tongue can be a very powerful weapon, I cannot ignore the potentially fatal message that this programme is sending out – there is a reason for suicide.
I know that life can be hard at times but I prefer to think that there is hope in every situation and that nothing lasts forever. This is the message that I would like our teenagers to be receiving, wouldn’t you? 13 Reasons Why suggests that other people are to blame for Hannah’s suicide when in real life, most suicides are a result of the person’s illness (the programme never mentions mental illness or depression even once) – one that could be eased with the right help and medication.
Out of all the articles I read, ‘13 Reasons Why Not‘ published by Focus on the Family, struck me the most. I would love to hear your views (for and against) in the comments below ↓.
Have you seen the Car Share outtakes doing the rounds? These were actually from series one but had me in stitches. I’m so sad that series two was only 5 episodes long. What’s Peter Kay got up his sleeve next I wonder?
We finally finished Big Little Lies this week. Ooh it was good! It honestly had me guessing right up until the end and the last two episodes were gripping. I tried to describe this show to someone the other day and ended up plumping for black humour. I found it amusing in places, very entertaining but also quite dark – some of the subjects tackled were extremely hard-hitting. It’s not for the faint-hearted, as my mother would say!
Any recommendations for my next addiction?
I’ve been avidly listening to chart music this week – mostly because I’ve spent far too much time ferrying teenagers around. My current favourite is No Promises (featuring Demi Levato) by Cheat Codes. As a family, we are also a tad obsessed with Attention by Charlie Puth. We all get the lyrics wrong but hey, isn’t that what memories are made of?
My ‘No New Clothes’ ban has finally been lifted. Yay! I celebrated by ordering the Happy Days t-shirt that I featured on here a while back.
It’s been so lovely to see some sunshine and to air my denim jacket again. This one from Hush is super light-weight and nicely fitted too. Honestly one of my best buys to date :). I also ordered a black jumpsuit that I’m still deliberating over. Does it fall into the ‘Things I’m too old for but will be embracing anyway’ category, or does it actually look ridiculous?
Coming soon on an Instagram story near you….
Contrary to what this photo might have you believe, the above cake had disaster written all over it. Firstly, it required three trips to the supermarket for ingredients. Secondly, the bottom fell out of the cake tin when I poured it in (total carnage). Thirdly, the chocolate ganache was hot when I poured it over the cake, resulting in a large chunk falling away in a rather catastrophic fashion.
But it tasted good so no one needs to know, right?
And lastly…
To round off my daughter’s birthday we went to the Royal Windsor Horse Show on Thursday. We got up bright and early to make the most of the day…until I realised that I had actually booked tickets for the evening! Thankfully I checked the tickets before leaving the house and we opted for lunch out and a mooch around the shops first – good call mumma 🙂 For someone who isn’t particularly interested in horses, I really enjoyed it. Needless to say, she loved every minute.

Rachel @ The Ordinary Lovely
8 years agoLove your HAPPY t-shrit!! It’s so cute. Can’t wait to see/read what you have planned for your blog. Have a brilliant weekend x
Sarah MumofThree World
8 years agoThe cake looks pretty good, despite the disasters! Glad you had a lovely birthday day out.
I haven’t watched any of these programmes. We’re only just getting into watching TV regularly now and we’re concentrating on British crime dramas. My husband thinks he’s watched enough now to actually be a detective!
8 years agoThat outtakes video had me cackling in my kitchen, it’s so funny! I didn’t think that Car Share would be for me as I’m not the biggest Peter Kay fan but it’s so endearing and fun, I loved it.
I get where you’re coming from in relation to 13 reasons why, it left me feeling so despondent about teenage life these days and worried for my girls. A message of hope is so important.
Enjoy the weekend xx
8 years agoI had a feeling you were going to the horse show for your daughter’s birthday – I hope you all had a great time. I love your outfit too, very casual! Usually we see you all dressed up so it’s a nice change. I wrote about 13 reasons why again this week – and appreciated your thoughts and comment on my post last week. I finished watching the show this week and I have decided that I hated it, especially the last episode. I wanted answers and there just weren’t any and the whole thing was horrific. I wouldn’t be happy with my children watching it when they’re teenagers.
Anyway, I hope you have a lovely weekend!! x
Vicki @ tippytupps
8 years agoThat looks like an amazing cake and I love the t-shirt. I know what you mean about 13 Reasons and bar the summary in the last episode where people broke her spirit, soul etc that internal darkness is never really visited. I’m halfway through the book so I’ll let you know if the book is any different! #LittleLoves
8 years agoLove the t-shirt, and the cake wasn’t a disaster if it tasted good! Happy birthday to your daughter x
Tracey Williams
8 years agoMy teenager keeps talking about 13 reasons why (which he hasn’t seen) so I guess they talk about it in school. To be honest I wouldn’t want to watch it, nor let the teen watch it at nearly 15. Happy birthday to your daughter, and your cake looks awesome #littleloves x
Mum Reinvented
8 years agoThat cake looks sooooo good! Sounds like your daughter had a great birthday. My teen wanted to watch 13 reasons why but I haven’t let her. Like you say it appears that it doesn’t tell the whole story, not that I’ve watched it either, and I’m not sure I even fancy watching it to be honest. I’ve worked for the police and in mental health services. I’ve been there and seen it with my own eyes. I don’t need to see it on a screen and I definitely don’t think the way it sounds like it’s portrayed is something teens should be watching – and I’m as lenient as you can get with my stroppy teen. Hope you have a great week x
8 years agoMy last cake baking session was similar! Glad you salvaged it. Happy birthday. I loved big little lies too. Ive not seen 13 reasons why but what you said makes sense. Teenage suiside seems all too common. Mental health/depression should have been mentioned.
8 years agoCake still looks delicious I did the same with the gnache I tried to make ooops Love the happy days top babes. I need that. I keep wanting to watch big Little lies but I read the book so know what happens the entire time some said that ruined it for them. But not sure yet will have to see for myself. We are now watchign Jamestown love it. Happy week. #littleloves
Suzanne W
8 years ago AUTHOROoh I’ve not heard of Jamestown. I shall check it out. I think the mistake was having the gnache too hot 🙁 xx
Not A Frumpy Mum
8 years agoI’ll be looking out for your black jumpsuit, there was a really nice one on the Oasis website and I was really tempted but not too sure if it would be one of those things that would just sit in the wardrobe! xx
Suzanne W
8 years ago AUTHOROkay so the black jumpsuit has gone back! I know that I wouldn’t wear it and it was really expensive so…xx
8 years agoSkype has opened up its internet-centered consumer beta towards
the entire world, soon after introducing it generally within the United
states and U.K. previous this four weeks. Skype for Website also now
works with Chromebook and Linux for immediate online messaging conversation (no video and voice but, all those need
a connect-in installment).
The expansion in the beta contributes assist for a longer list of languages to assist reinforce that
international usability