Today I come bearing Spring flowers. Why? Because it’s almost the weekend and I’m jetting off to the Alps for a few days tomorrow. Yippee! I should really be getting my house in order and sorting out the washing but I’ve begun to relish this part of my week – looking back and focussing on the good bits, however small or insignificant. So here I am with my Little Loves for this week…
Having spotted it being aired on Sky TV last weekend, finishing Room became a matter of urgency. So much so that I read the latter half of the book in one afternoon. I don’t know about you, but I hate watching a film before I’ve read the book, preferring to use my imagination to visualise what the author has created.
Oh my goodness, what an emotionally draining story! I found it quite slow going to start with and I honestly couldn’t see how the whole book could be about this one Room and written through the eyes of a 5 year old! Then out of nowhere came the twist and the book took off from there.
It is an incredible book but I was so exhausted after reading it, that I will certainly be giving myself a few weeks before launching into the film.
I know I’m incredibly late to the La La Land party but I finally went to see it on Wednesday. I dragged my youngest daughter along for company, because I thought she was the one least likely to hate it out of my family.
I was nervous that it wouldn’t live up to the hype and during the first half I was questioning whether the writer, director, producer, or maybe all three…had been on drugs. But by the second half, I was loving it! The storyline totally picked up and I was swept away by the romance. I really did enjoy it.
We’ve also started watching The Replacement. Ooh it’s good. No spoilers please!
I listen to such a variety of music during the week and lots of it. Having teenagers who share the same Apple ID, means that I get to keep up with the latest stuff too. Two songs that have been particular favourites this week are actually not particularly current, the first is by Bethel music, another ‘go to’ when I’m in need of a bit of grounding and the second is by Birdy – such a stunning and quirky voice. Here they are if you’d like to broaden your horizons a little…
Above all else, this week has been about my Invisalign braces. Want to know how I’m getting on after a whole week? I still am only able to eat or drink for 2 hours out of 24 but I can now successfully remove it without downloading a pint of drool and pulling a tooth out at the same time – definite progress! I don’t find it hard to sleep with and my speech isn’t affected at all, which is one of the things I was concerned about.
1 week down, 51 to go!
Other than that, I’ve christened this burgundy smock top that I bought from New Look a few weeks ago – it’s a great addition to my Spring wardrobe. I have also made a decision this week…wait for it… April is going to be a ‘No New Clothes’ month. I’m counting on you to hold me to that!
Don’t fall off your chair but I actually created something this week. Ok ‘created’ might be an exaggeration but I can confirm that the carrot cake packet mix from Marks and Spencer’s is amazing! I did have to add a raw carrot and some sunflower oil so there was a little ‘making’ involved.
And Lastly…
Remember my recent post about marriage being hard and not spending enough time together making it even more difficult? It’s been a year in the making but we are now finally on the cusp of our 4 night break and I can’t wait. See you on the other side people!
Have a wonderful weekend.

Sarah MumofThree World
8 years agoHave an amazing week away! You certainly deserve the break. Glad the braces are going well, it sounds like you’ve got used to them already. I’m laughing at your ‘no new clothes’ month. That’s every month for me! I probably buy clothes once or twice s year – and only when the holes are too embarrassing to see in public! Glad you enjoyed Room, it is definitely one of my favourite books of all time. The film is just as emotional, but it’s balanced differently with a higher proportion of ‘after’ than the book.
Jess @ Catch A Single Thoughte
8 years agoOoh enjoy your break away! We’ve just got rain forecast here so I’d love to be escaping to the Alps for a while. LOVE that Bethel song; we’ve picked up a few of their songs recently on our worship team and I just can’t get enough. I’ll be following your progress on the Invisalign as I’ve been thinking about getting them, but I don’t know if I could only eat for 2 hours a day for a whole year, that is real dedication!!
Tracey Williams
8 years agoHave a wonderful break away Suzanne which I am guessing is child free. You deserve some chill out time. Ah how good is The Replacement, and we have watched 2 out of the 3 episodes. Hopefully we can finish it this evening. Those carrot cakes look delicious, I may have to attempt to make them myself x
8 years agoOh a little break away together sounds bliss – enjoy lovely. I haven’t seen La La Land yet but I can’t wait – I usually average around six months behind everyone else so il probably be raving about it in the Summer!!
8 years agoOh, enjoy your break – you must be so ready for it! Those cakes look delicious, Carrot Cake is my favourite. I also love Birdy, don’t listen to her enough actually, off to find some tracks now. Enjoy the week ahead xx
8 years agoEnjoy your weekend away. I’ve read room but not seen the film. The carrot cakes look delicious.
Mum Reinvented
8 years agoHa ha now I have visions of you drooling everywhere! Glad to hear the invisalign are ok to sleep in, I quite fancy getting them, once I have a few fillings and a horrible root canal 🙁 Love your top and your necklace is gorgeous. That is exactly what I thought about La La Land – first half was like whoever wrote/directed it was of his/her face, I think that ruined it for me and I couldn’t get into the second half, making me the only person around who hates the film. Perhaps if the second half is better I’ll have to watch it again. Hope you have a lovely weekend away x
8 years agoAs always I am envious of your shopping this top is beautiful. And oh those cakes look drool worthy. So scrumptious. You can’t beat a cupcake for me. The alps I have always wanted to go skiing and seems like everyone has been going a lot recently. My hubby refuses to ever try it ever I am devastated. Will have to take a girlie trip skiing one time. Enjoy! Hope you are having a great weekend. #littleloves
Seaside Sparkles
8 years agoI hope you’ve had a lovely weekend away, I’m finding it difficult to get Mr S out for a date night let alone a weekend away. I like how you’ve styled the necklace with the blouse, it looks really good. Don’t worry you’re not the last to see Lala Land, its still on my must see list.
8 years agoI need to get La La Land as soon as it’s out on bluray. I caught it in the cinema and loved it at the time but regularly find myself thinking about it, desperate to see it again.
Sara | mumturnedmom
8 years agoHave a wonderful break. A weekend away with just my OH, wow, I think I’ve forgotten what that’s like 🙂 I loved Room and I’m glad you read the book first. The film is good, but doesn’t quite pack the same punch as the book x
8 years agoHave a lovely time
8 years agoI hope you had a great weekend away. You cakes look scrumptious. I still haven managed to see la la land, in still trying to persuade adam to watch it with me.
8 years agoI hope you had a wonderful few days away Suzanne!
Bethel music is my go to whenever I need a bit of grounding and perspective too. xx