In the past, I’ve hated January – it’s too long, too cold, too dark and there’s never enough money for the month. This year? It’s zipped by and we are now almost at the end! I am even noticing lighter evenings and boy is that a welcome sight.
As it’s the last Friday of the month, I’m joining in with Little Loves by sharing all of the things I’ve been loving in January. Here goes…
I’ve finished two books this month – TWO! I persevered to the end of Davina McCall’s autobiography. Even though progress was halted about two-thirds of the way in (you’ll have to read last month’s Little Loves to find out why) it was an easy read and I found it really thought provoking.
I also devoured S J Watson’s book, Second Life
I was hooked within the first few pages and it kept me guessing right to the end – always the sign of a great thriller.
One of my goals for 2018 is to read more and to not feel guilty about indulging in a few pages during the day. I’ve so enjoyed reading this month and already have a couple of books by my bedside for February.
I’ve also just embarked on a new bible study with my Tuesday night girls, this term it’s all about Gideon, an old testament character. I’m really looking forward to getting stuck into something new.
Has anyone else been obsessed with The Greatest Showman soundtrack this month? I have a sneaking suspicion that I won’t be alone. I’m struggling to pick my favourite track but this is one of them, make sure you turn the sound up really loud!
And if you haven’t seen it yet…what are you waiting for?!
Obviously I’ve seen The Greatest Showman and the fact that I’m taking my son again this weekend, says it all.
Other than that, I finally watched Lion. Oh my goodness, what a film! Have you seen it? I’ve been wanting to watch it for ages so when I saw it was on Amazon Prime, I forced all of my children to sit down and watch it with me (popcorn and chocolate works wonders ?).
Initially I told them it was about a boy who gets lost and ends up being reared by a pack of lions. Ok, so I got the story line slightly wrong, but they watched it! The subtitles in the first half meant that none of us could be distracted by our phones so that was an added bonus.
Be warned, it’s a tear-jerker so make sure you’ve got your tissues at the ready.
I simply couldn’t let this section go past without sharing my new boots with you,. I visited the ASOS sale for the first time last week, on the look out for some flatish boots with a certain je ne sais quoi.
These black studded ankle boots certainly fitted the bill and they were in the sale reduced from £60.00 to £24.00!
I contemplated the purchase for about 24 hours, mainly because they were a little more ‘statement’ than I usually go for and I was concerned that they might scream ‘goth’ which is so not me. Having received a resounding ‘yes’ over on Instagram Stories, I’ve not had them off my feet!
Sticking with the black theme, Hush has a great sale on at the moment. I finally got my hands on one of their gorgeous oversized sweatshirts currently down to £35.00 from £49.00 – worth every penny.
Well this is embarrassing…a whole month and I’ve made nothing! I have made lots of plans for 2018 though and there are definitely too many new year’s resolutions floating around. You can read all about my plans for 2018 here if you fancy it.
And Lastly
This month has been a busy one (again) which is probably part of the reason why it’s flown by. The husband bagged himself two long weekends in the Alps and I had a night away with friends last weekend. We’ve always encouraged each other to have some time away from the humdrum of daily life but I’ll admit that two weekends in one month has been a bit much. Yes I love the bed to myself for a few nights but all the taxi rides and sports fixtures do take their toll. I miss him when he’s away and family life is a bit of a struggle on my own. It’s good for us to be reminded every now and again though, isn’t it?
On another note, my girls’ weekend was fabulous! I met up with my old university flatmates for 24 hours of cocktails, shopping and reminiscing in London. I love spending time with people who have known me a long time, there’s something very special about those friendships isn’t there? I really do feel fortunate that we all still get on after 27 years; a lot has happened in that time let me tell you!
And now we are almost at the end of another month. How has January treated you? I would love to hear all the things that you’ve been ‘loving’ in the comments below. February looks to be an exciting one this end, with a trip to the Alps in half term. Remember to make the most of every moment my friends, we only get one life.
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Sarah MumofThree World
7 years agoJanuary really has flown by! I’m pleasantly surprised 🙂 It’s great to here that you are committing to reading more. Reading is absolutely the best way to unwind! I’ll have to look out for the S J Watson (although I do currently have about nine books waiting to be read!). Your girls’ weekend sounds amazing. That’s something I never do and I really ought to! My husband goes away with work quite a bit, so I get to experience the loneliness and extra hard work (not that he does many lifts for the kids) without him having the fun!
7 years agoSounds like a pretty lovely January Suzanne! I loved Lion too and I’ve read SJ Watson in the past so I can imagine that book is really good. Your girlie weekend sounded lovely. I enjoyed reading about your plans for 2018 xx
Plutonium Sox
7 years agoI’m glad your month has been going well. I’d forgotten you were only doing these posts once a month now and I’ve been looking out for your little loves posts when other people’s have come through to my inbox each week. Thanks for the soundtrack, good song! I haven’t seen The Greatest Showman or Lion, I’ll have to get around to it, both sound good. I might add Second Life to my reading list too, always good to have a recommendation. I hope Feb is kind to you.
Mum Reinvented
7 years agoWhat a fabulous month you’ve had! Rather jealous of your girly night away. My friend and my sister have something similar planned, but it isn’t until June – think I need to remedy that and get something else booked in prior to that. You’ve really made me want to watch The Greatest Showman now! Hope you have a wonderful weekend x
7 years agoOoh yes, June seems a long way off – get something else booked in asap! x
7 years agoI am the same with January I usually hate it, but this year it’s not been too bad – its gone so fast!! I love you boots – they look cool. I also love your jumper – I am so in need of a little shop! Have a great week #littleloves
Suzanne W
7 years ago AUTHORThere’s still so much around in the sales Nat. I need to stop now! I’ve actually enjoyed January this year, I think it’s because we had a lot planned and things to look forward to. xx
7 years agoOh that top and boots is a must I love it. I need some new clothes but as I grow I don’t want to buy anything for after baby you never know what size and shape you will be left with hahaha but I am itching to buy so many lovely things at the moment. It’s always the case you see so much when you can’t buy and when you have money to go spree there is nothing. Or this is my luck anyways. hahaha Have a great weekend ahead. #littleloves
7 years agoI hated being pregnant for the clothes – I certainly wasn’t a glamorous pregnant like you! xx
7 years agoLove your jumper and boots. I’ve not read anything by SJ Watson, even though I have ‘Before I Go to Sleep’ on my shelf! Sounds like you’ve a good month all in all, with lots to look forward to in February. Enjoy your week xx
7 years agoThank you Stacie. It was a good month. I would definitely recommend getting stuck into Before I Go to Sleep. xx
7 years agoYou’ve had a lovely month! Well done on your reading, you’ve done much better than I have!
That The Greatest Showman song gives me goosebumps everytime, it has such a great message.
Thanks for joining in with Little Loves! xx
7 years agoI love all of them! Hard to choose my favourite. xx