I’ve been fairly absent on my blog this month and whilst there’s no real need for me to apologise (it is my blog after all) I’m going to anyway. Sometimes, when life is a bit tricky, I find it difficult to get my thoughts together and focusing on writing feels fairly impossible.
I’ve missed it though – putting finger to keyboard. Blogging is a form of escapism for me and over the years, I have realised that it does me good. That said, I’m pleased to be back with my November Little Loves – there’s always something to be thankful for, isn’t there?
I have the most enormous pile of books on the go at the moment but I’m not putting myself under any pressure, rather just picking up a book when it takes my fancy. I’m enjoying freedom of it.
I managed to finish Lyrebird by Cecilia Ahern this month and I’m now part-way through The Husband’s Secret by Liane Moriarty which is proving to be a good read so far.
Calm by Fearne Cotton is an excellent gift idea if you’ve still not got all your Christmas presents sorted. It’s the perfect dip-in- -and-out book, providing some light bedtime reading if you’re feeling a little stressed. You don’t need to read every page consecutively and it’s full of tips for bringing calm into everyday life.
I also read an excellent and immensely thought provoking blog post earlier this week – Why I’m Deleting Social Media by Elizabeth Dhokia. It totally stopped me in my tracks. Elizabeth is a blogger who earns her living through social media, so this is a brave thing she is doing.
“I want to find out what I would create if I wasn’t constantly bombarded with other people’s lives. What can my brain really do?”
Whilst I’m not in the same place as Elizabeth, I could definitely relate to some of what she was saying and part of me even felt a tiny bit jealous. The time and space she is desperately seeking is something we could all benefit from isn’t it? Have a read, I would love to know what you think.
We tend to watch a lot more TV in the winter than in the summer months. A cold, dreary evening is crying out for a night curled up in front of the fire.
We’re all thoroughly enjoying I’m a Celeb this year and although I was a little concerned at the lack of Ant, I think Holly Willoughby is doing a fabulous job. What do you think?
Another film we finally got around to seeing this month, was The Darkest Hour. We watched it on remembrance Sunday which seemed quite fitting. It really is an excellent adaptation of Churchill’s time as Prime Minister during the second world war. The girls were nowhere to be seen of course but my 14 year old son thoroughly enjoyed it.
As you know, I love a podcast and this month my app has been awash with all kinds of goodness. I’ve mentioned both of the following podcasts before but I’ve listened to two cracking episodes in the last few weeks that I must share with you…
First up is Fearne Cotton’s Happy Place episode where she interviews Russell Brand. I’ll admit to finding Russell Brand a bit of an idiot in the past but over the years, he’s totally grown on me. He spoke so much sense during this interview and with incredible eloquence and maturity. He’s a man who has totally turned his life around and I truly hope it stays that way.
Next up is Oprah Winfrey’s Soul Conversation with Michelle Obama. Oprah has such an amazing way of drawing out a person’s heart and soul; this episode was no exception. If she wasn’t already, Michelle Obama is my new hero (next to Fearne)! Her new book, Becoming, is on my Christmas list and am keeping everything crossed that someone buys it for me .
I always like to include some music in this section and I’ve listened to this song ad infinitum over the last few weeks. I’ve found the words and music uplifting, a small light in the darkness this month. If you’re needing a bit of light too, have a listen…
At the beginning of this month, my middle child celebrated her 17th birthday. She’s like me in that she absolutely adores a birthday and throws herself in wholeheartedly. Her love language is gifts, so no pressure there then!
She also appreciates a homemade cake and nothing beats chocolatey goodness. I have to say that it was delicious! I only ever follow a recipe but I’ll definitely be using this one again.
I know I’ve said it a thousand times before but I love autumn/winter fashion. I’m planning on sharing some of my staples in a post in the next week or so.
I’ve been lucky enough to work with Boden this season. They’ve basically given me free rein to choose whatever I like on their website, in exchange for a few pictures on Instagram. Yes I know, I thought I was dreaming when the email came through too!
Boden has everything but they are particularly good at cosy knits, an item I seem to be obsessed with at the moment. Anyone else?
And Lastly…
November is a bit of a nothing-y month in many ways and this year has been no exception. I find that there are two types of people – those who are wishing it away so that they can crack on with Christmas (present buying and wrapping all done) and those who are hoping it goes on for as long as possible because they’ve yet to start anything to do with Christmas.
This year I’ve been in the latter camp which is unusual for me. In fact I’ve not been feeling very Christmassy at all but am hoping that my wreath-making evening tonight will help. Which camp are you in?

6 years agoLove your jumper! I have only ever bought the boys stuff from Boden. They are better dressed than me!
6 years agoLove your jumpers, they look super cosy for the winter months. The birthday cake looks delicious! I made one for ten year old this month too. I have The Husbands Secret on my wish list, hopefully get it as an extra under the christmas tree! Have a wonderful December. Popping over from Little Loves
6 years agoOh love the sweaters I am totally obsessed with knits. I may have bought three the other day all various styles and shades of grey oops can one have too many grey sweaters lol ? sounds like you been busy. Love those boots.
Chloe: Picture Taker Memory Maker
6 years agoI’m sorry you’ve had a tough time Suzanne. I know we’ve spoken about it privately so I’ll just use this space to send you another virtual hug. I really hope things get better soon. I’m going to listen to those two podcasts you’ve suggested – four inspirational people right there. I’m all about snuggly jumpers and cosy nights in front of the TV at this time of year too 🙂 Not feeling in the slightest bit Christmassy yet though – we wait until after my eldest daughter’s birthday has been and gone to start getting festive. Hope December is a more positive, sparkly month for you x
6 years agoI just love your monthly round ups Suzanne, but I do hope that whatever is tricky in life for you just now eases up soon. I love the Fearne Cotton podcast too and I must listen to that Michelle Obama/Oprah one aswell. I have to admit to being slightly jealous of that Boden email – so pleased for you and loving all the clothes you’ve been sharing. If Boden ever contacted me that would quite honestly be the highlight of my blogging life! 🙂 xx
Suzanne W
6 years ago AUTHORYou’d love the Obama/Oprah episode Gail, it’s right up your street! I’ll be honest, I’m not sure any other blogging opportunity will come close! Absolutely adore clothes, as you know, and Boden has always been a firm favourite 🙂 xx
Mum Reinvented
6 years agoSorry to hear things have been tough for you lately Suzanne. Hope December is a happier month for you. I loved that Russell Brand episode on Fearne Cotton’s podcast, he certainly has transformed himself over the years. I love Boden. Don’t own enough of it but I can certainly dream over their website that’s for sure. Love that cake. There’s nothing like a homemade birthday cake. Hope you have a great week x
Suzanne W
6 years ago AUTHORWasn’t that episode incredible? Fully of such wisdom and so moving too. xx
6 years agoI have one Boden Jumper and love it so much. Although I see lots for George but always find them expensive. And yes I agree about I’m a Celebrity – they are a great duo. I hope you’re having a lovely start to December x
Suzanne W
6 years ago AUTHORI agree with you that Boden can be a little pricey but the quality is so good! Full of really staple wardrobe items that I think stand the test of time. I love all of my choices this season 🙂 xx