I love social media and reading blogs; I adore reading about fashion, interiors, beauty, books and travel destinations. There are so many people producing excellent content on these topics that I have almost quit buying magazines.
I said *almost*.
BUT, where are the people who blog, film, tweet and photograph about family life with teenagers?
I wrote a post last week that seemed to resonate with a lot of people in my stage of life – parenting teenagers. There’s a wealth of people sharing the nitty gritty of parenting toddlers and babies but when the going gets really tough, the bloggers and real life mums seem to disappear.
Yes I know that I started writing this blog as a way to escape the humdrum of parenting teenagers but sometimes, I crave solidarity. I want to know that there are other people out there battling to get their teenagers out of bed, wondering why everything they say is wrong and despairing of ever finding a holiday destination that appeals to all.
I’ve spent the last few weeks scouring the internet to find out what’s out there for parents of teenagers. I’m not saying that we want to hear about the lazy oiks all of the time, but if you’re ever in need of some solidarity, I hope that you will find this list helpful…
Have Teens Will Travel
Choosing a family holiday when you have teenagers is nigh on impossible. Firstly you have to remortgage in order to afford to take said children (who are now classed as adults where plane seats are concerned) on holiday and secondly, if you’ve got a mixture of sexes and ages, amusing them all is a challenge.
The following bloggers all have teenagers and generously share some of the places they have been to and what has worked well for them.
Catherine’s Cultural Wednesdays
Have Teens Will Blog Honestly
If like me, you’re firmly past reading about the school Christmas play or how CBeebies is your saviour, these bloggers will likely appeal to you. Their content still covers family life but with older kids. You’ll find a mix of advice, relatable anecdotes and hard-core honesty.
What Do You (also some great gift ideas on this site)
Have Teens Will Tweet
Some of us have stopped blogging about family life with teenagers but you’ll still find us over on Twitter, berating our little darlings. In fact Twitter is my ‘go to’ when I feel the need for a rant as there’s always someone with an empathetic ‘me too’ response. It also helps that my own teenagers are not on Twitter – everyone needs a sanctuary, right?
Want to follow it? You’ll find the list here.
Have Teens Will Photograph
Instagram is probably the hardest place to find parents of teenagers. I wonder why? Because they hate having their photographs taken of course!
If you do manage to sneak a snap, it gets vetted and subsequently forced down within seconds. Some of these ‘grammers are in the blog category above but I think you’ll like their Instagram feed too.
Have Teens Will Video
Kristina Kuzmic offers the ultimate in solidarity. If you haven’t come across her videos before, I think you might relate to this one…
Then there is Will Reid who created a series of hilarious instructional videos for teenagers that you’ve probably seen on Facebook in the last year or so. If you haven’t, you will love his take on life with teenagers. Here’s a little taster…
If you’re got a favourite vlogger, blogger, Instagrammer or Tweeter who doesn’t shy away from the nitty gritty of parenting teenagers and all the ‘fun’ that comes with it, then please do post in the comments below. If you found this list helpful, then a share on social media might help someone else feel less alone. We’re all in this together, right?

Becs Addis
6 years agoAm literally crying with laughter at the toilet roll changing man – need to watch all of his instructions – have just rewatched with one of my teenagers who did smile – before telling me to get out of his room!!!! Thanks Suzanne. xx
6 years agoThanks for sharing all your resources! I haven’t had any issues with our boys, but suspect our daughter will have us wringing our hands when she gets into her teens! ?
Sarah MumofThree World
6 years agoThanks for sharing this. There are a few more of these I need to catch up on!
6 years agoThis is a great post! Thanks for including my blog. I’m so glad I found you! Xxx
Sharon Parry
6 years agoThanks for the mention. Fab resource xx
Tracey Williams
6 years agoI am always happy to chat to anyone who is parenting teenagers, and I love that we have our little group on twitter. And thank you Suzanne for being there virtually when I have needed somebody these past few weeks. It means the world to me x
Jo - Mother of Teenagers
6 years agoOh Suzanne you absolute star! Well done for taking the time to put this together. I need to get better at sharing my angst on twitter actually, I have loved some of the chats recently. The holidays are beckoning and I feel a few moans coming on. Have a fabulous holiday my dear and thanks for the mention.
Nicky Kentisbeer
6 years agoBrilliant round-up here Suzanne and lots of lovely recommendations that will go down a treat. I have to say that there are a few here that I haven’t come across, so thank you. Like you, I don’t tend to blog about our daughter now but it’s great to be in good company to share a moan or get some well-needed advice. Of course, we have the added dimension of being followed on Social Media the older they get too. Is nothing sacred!!! Thanks for sharing with us here at #tweensteensbeyond and I wish you a wonderful Christmas with your lovely family x
Sharon Parry
6 years agoJust popping back to say thanks so much for sharing with us at #TweensTeensbeyond and have a great New Year xx
Jo - Mother of Teenagers
6 years agoThanks for linking up with us Suzanne. I have enjoyed a relatively social media free Christmas period and am only now popping my head over the parapet. Interestingly my screen time has been down by 56% over the last 2 weeks apparently! Interesting as I thought it would be more, but then it doesn’t include the serious amount of NetFlix binge-watching that is going on.! Wishing the a happy, peaceful and enjoyable New Year. #TweensTeensBeyond