I wasn’t going to post today but Friday wouldn’t be Friday without some Little Loves, would it? You see this week has kind of run away with me; I simply cannot believe that we’re heading into the third week in September already.
The ankle boots came out this week folks. Anyone else cracked open the autumn wardrobe? Anyway, let’s get down to business…what have I been loving this week?
So I finally bought some reading glasses. My eyes have been on the turn for a long time but I have been putting it off, assuming I am invincible to the powers of old age. But yeah, it turns out that I’m not.
It certainly makes for a better reading experience, I can tell you! I’ve started on Missing by Susan Lewis and it’s a very promising first chapter (yep, that’s how far I’ve got – you’ll find out why further down the post).
I also came across a fantastic read on social media this week – a short post entitled ‘What makes an adult?‘. I agree with every single point, bar the one about not attending wedding receptions – I get his point but isn’t it rude to just head home after the ceremony? I’m kind of hoping that my teenagers come across this post without me actually sending it to them (they usually ignore those posts!).
One of the many reasons why I’ve not read as much as I might have liked this week, is because there’s been so much great TV to feast my eyes on! Honestly I don’t know where to start this week.
Firstly, Cold Feet and Gogglebox are back on Friday nights – that’s a nice dilemma to have at 9pm whilst supping on my medicinal glass of wine. Thank goodness for Sky Q eh?
I am loving series 2 of Dr Foster and now there’s Liar on Monday nights as well!
On top of all that, I binge watched about four episodes of Pretty Little Liars with my youngest daughter on Sunday afternoon. Whilst it’s probably not something that I should be approving of her watching, it certainly made my ironing pile a little more interesting!
This week it’s been all about ‘getting down with the kids’.
How can you listen to Little Mix’s ‘Power’ without angrily reciting ‘motorbike, motorbike, motorbike, motorbike, bike, bike, bike, bike, bike…’ (you get the picture) at the end?
What with that and Taylor Swift’s ‘Look What You Made Me Do’ I think I like the teenie bop music more than my children do!
So it’s officially autumn then. In case you were in any doubt, the gloomy evenings and constant rain showers have confirmed it. The upside to Autumn? Ankle boots! I ordered two pairs this week with the intention of sending one back. When my husband uttered the magic words “Why don’t you just keep them both?” I was seriously tempted but I resisted the urge. If you haven’t hunted around yet, there are some SERIOUSLY nice ankle boots on the market. I bought mine from Allsole who are doing 15% off your first order at the moment.
And then of course I’ve been wearing the glasses. I didn’t actually look at myself wearing them in the shop, I just pulled off a pair that had the right prescription and popped them in with my weekly shop. These are from Waitrose and actually I don’t think they look too bad all things considered.
I’ve been doing rather more than my fair share of clothes shopping in supermarkets recently. This cute smock top with floaty sleeves is from Sainsbury’s autumn range and I love it!
Okay I’ve failed to actually create anything of substance this week but we did make the decision to give a home to a little rescue dog. Pippa arrived on Tuesday and we are all in love.
How can you not fall in love with that little face? She’s very needy at the moment, not letting me out of her sight which makes it somewhat difficult to get anything done but she makes a great hot water bottle!
And lastly…
The headache that is our garden project, finally gained some momentum this week. We actually have doors and windows in the garden room! It’s been quite a stressful experience and not having a usable garden has been a real disappointment in the summer but it will be great to have a party room in the autumn months. We’ve optimistically agreed to a small 13th birthday bash for our boy in early October so it had better be ready!
Have a great weekend one and all. Let’s hope that the sun makes an appearance.

Sarah MumofThree World
7 years agoPippa looks gorgeous! I can’t believe you bought some glasses without even trying them on, but they do look very nice! I’m slightly overwhelmed with TV at the moment. My favourite is Strike and I’ve recorded Rellik. Bake Off and Extra Slice takes up two nights of the week and there’s a new series of Undateables I haven’t started watching! Hubby loves Dr Foster and I’m watching it, but I actually don’t really like it. Controversial, I know!
Suzanne W
7 years ago AUTHORGosh I’ve not heard of Strike or Rellik! It’s always like this in the autumn isn’t it? So many good programmes ??
Plutonium Sox
7 years agoAwww Pippa is just the absolute cutest! I agree, I wouldn’t be able to resist that face either. Well done for rescuing her, I wish more people would rescue dogs.
7 years agoI love Pretty Little Liars! Oh the melodrama and the twists and turns! Great TV 😉
Pippa looks gorgeous, I hope she settles in well.
Love that your husband said to keep both pairs of boots, he’s a keeper that’s for sure!!
Have a lovely weekend xx
Suzanne W
7 years ago AUTHORFunnily enough this week I couldn’t bear to part with them so did keep both pairs lol!
7 years agoSounds like a busy week Suzanne – you’re right, there’s lots of good stuff on TV just now -just as well with the darker nights coming in:) Pippa is so cute and cuddly looking. I hope she’s settling in well in her new home xx
7 years agoPippa looks lovely. I was a bit disappointed with Cold Feet x
Suzanne W
7 years ago AUTHORYes I have to say that I’ve felt a little the same this series – it hasn’t gripped me like it should.
Mum Reinvented
7 years agoAww how cute is Pippa! Wish I had my own furry hot water bottle right now – how cold is it!?! I do love Cold Feet, although I missed last night’s episode – again! I have a thing about forgetting whats on and when these days. I had to watch that Little Mix video as I hadn’t heard it (I live under a rock), although I must be getting old – what the hell is with the weird pink boot things that go up to her hips! Love that top from Sainsbury’s, they’ve got some lovely stuff in at the moment. Have a great weekend x
7 years agoOh Suzanne how lovely, a rescue dog, our Ralf is a rescue & so loving. We’re getting our garden done but it looks like we’ve missed the dry weather & with clay soil we will be in a mud fest I think. Looking forward to seeing a pic of your garden room.
Lorraine x
Suzanne W
7 years ago AUTHORYes I love the thought that we’ve given a loving home to a dog that didn’t have one. She’s super cute too which helps! Good luck with your garden. Ours has made progress but boy it’s been a long one ?
7 years agoOh I love your top and glasses you look so classy and sophisticated babes. Love the pup too way too cute. Wish we could have animals too many allergies in this household though unfortunately not going to happen and I have a daughter who wants to be a vet. Oh dear. Sounds like a lovely week. #littleloves