I threw out a question on Twitter the other day, one that I think many of us would like to know the answer to:
‘Is there any way of avoiding bingo wings?‘
I mean it’s an important question, right? Sadly it was met with silence, other than one helpful tweeter who suggested yoga as being her absolute saviour in the ageing process.
Yoga is something that I’ve been mulling over for about a decade now. I suffer from Scoliosis, visit an osteopath once a month and being able to touch my toes is a dim and distant memory.
I know that yoga is probably a good option for me. I’m told that us over 40s need all the help that we can get! But more importantly, according to my faithful tweeter, it keeps the upper body strong and toned (as well as keeping bingo wings at bay ?).
When Namaste Yoga made contact to ask if I would like to try out their Season 4 TV series, it was just the kick up the inflexible backside that I needed. According to Namaste, yoga is:
‘An experience that will calm your mind, strengthen your body and inspire your soul.’
Namaste TV has already produced 3 seasons of yoga, each one consisting of thirteen different 20-minute sequences. Initially I was concerned that being Season 4, it might be too difficult for a novice but I was assured that this wouldn’t be the case.
Whilst I am pretty certain that I won’t be performing cartwheels across my living room any time soon, I can already notice the benefits of spending 20 minutes every morning, stretching and starting the day off well. Some of the sequences have been a little difficult for me (largely due to my extreme lack of suppleness!) but this has only confirmed how much I need to persevere.
Fancy a go yourself?
Today I am offering one lucky reader the opportunity to win Season 4 (either as a download or a DVD) of the Namaste Yoga TV series (RRP $50) as well as a Namaste Logo Racer Tank (RRP $30).
How to enter:
Simply complete the Rafflecopter below and follow the easy step by step guide to ensure that your entry counts.
Terms & Conditions:
- This giveaway is open to UK or US residents aged 18 or over
- Entrants must log in via Rafflecopter and leave a comment on my blog, answering the question – this is the ONLY mandatory task
- The winner will be notified by email and must respond within 7 days
- The winner will receive Season 4 of Namaste Yoga TV via download or DVD and a Namaste Yoga Tank.
- The giveaway closes at midnight on 7/1/17.
* Disclosure: This post was written in collaboration with Namaste TV *

Tracy Nixon
7 years agoYes, I have tried yoga before – I love how it sculpts and tones my body!
joanne Darnell
7 years agoyes i love yoga
Ashleigh Allan
7 years agoNo but I would like to improve my body
Rose H
7 years agoyes of course! It’s the best, really good at relieving stress.
7 years agoYes, I do Yoga regularly. I love how it strengthens and tones.
E Briggs
7 years agoI have done yoga before… I have dipped in and out of it when I have the time. But as part of my New Year Resolution I want to make meditation and yoga part of the everyday to help give me a clear and calm mind.
Catherine Stewart
7 years agoI’m already a yogi and I love how strong it makes you feel! I use it for relaxation too!
7 years agoi have never tried yoga but i would love to try it for relaxation
Sarah Kerr
7 years agoI love yoga and continue to practise. The combination of movement with breath, mindfulness, and the bonus of a toned body. I aspire to progress further but love the non-competitiveness – breathe the love in, let the anxiety out ❤️
Jessica Powell
7 years agoI have but I’ve never stuck with it. I’d like to feel calmer!
7 years agoI have tried yoga before and aim to go more often
Anne Johnston
7 years agoI just started doing yoga a couple of weeks ago to keep my body supple as I get older.
Strangely on the days that I don’t do it, my sore back gives me a wee niggle so I know it’s working already.
Lorna Roberts
7 years agoI’ve tried yoga before and enjoyed it. I’d like to make it part of my daily routine.
Margaret Gallagher
7 years agoIve tried yoga in the past but NEVER committed fully
My goal is to have more balance in my life for 2018 –
emma franklin
7 years agoYes. I have recently started yoga along to youtube yoga videos which I find really helpful
Sharon Mead
7 years agonew to yoga but been doing pilates for the last 3 years and love it!
Louise Tring
7 years agoI often do yoga classes. I like how it makes me stronger and more flexible.
7 years agoYes I’ve given it a go before and it was very refreshing! I’d like to cleanse my body and to just feel happy! Fingers crossed! 🙂
Kate Holmes
7 years agoDid it years ago and want to return to it to enhance the New Year
iain maciver
7 years agonever tried so far
Angela Treadway
7 years agoNo i havent done yoga before but i would love to build my strength up x
Kara Dale
7 years agoI have been doing yoga for the past year and I LOVE it, I would like to continue in the new year , I find it helps with my bad back and complements my gym workouts perfectly too.
Julie Kenny
7 years agoI go to yoga twice a week and it really helps me – I’m uping my classes to another session in the new year and I’m hoping it will help ease my arthritis even more x
Joan apperley
7 years agoI do yoga regularly at home
jo liddement
7 years agoI had some yoga lessons and now do yoga each morning. I particularly like breathing exercises as it keeps me calm and helps with preventing anxiety.
Georgina Jacobs
7 years agoYes around 9/10 years ago but I suffered Vertigo for around 6 months and had to stop. I found it very beneficial for lower back pain but I would like to start afresh and put my well-being first. Thanks
7 years agoI’ve not tried yoga before, but I would like to think that it could help achieve my targeted weight loss.
Rebecca Brown
7 years agoI love doing yoga, I find it helps with my physical and mental wellbeing, keeping me flexible in both!
donna l jones
7 years agohave tried helps me relax
Brad Start
7 years agoI love restorative yoga, I find it helps reduce my stress levels
Judith Allen
7 years agoI ‘ve attended an Iyengar yoga class, years ago, but it was just as I was falling ill (stupid MS) and I didn’t go again. My daughter, now 27 is now training as a teacher, she loves it so so much.
claire woods
7 years agoI’ve never tried it but would like to see if it can help my general health.
Tracey Neil
7 years agoEven the little ones join in ?
Kerry Locke
7 years agoI’ve just started and loving it – trying to improve my core
Angie McDonald
7 years agoYes and I love Yoga! I love that it brings balance to not only your body but a balance and peace to your mind too – it really helps me to relax
john prendergast
7 years agoI have tried yoga before
Mark Mccaffery
7 years agoIt’s good for expanding the lungs.
Kev Cannon
7 years agoI’ve never tried yoga as I’m overweight and find it difficult to exercise – I’ve lost over two stone recently and now find it easier to do light exercise so yoga looks like something i could try to help shift the remaining excess weight
Ruth Harwood
7 years agoI have tried yoga, I do a little bit each day, but i can be limited due to a slipped disc and limited use of my dominant arm xx
Kathryn Booth
7 years agoyes, i’ve tried on my own at home. i intend to try to do something everyday. i want to increase my flexibility and get rid of general aches and pains
Elaine P
7 years agoI’ve tried yoga a couple of times. I used to use a few DVDs, then went to pregnancy yoga classes which were brilliant. I’d love to get back into it to have some quiet me time.
Catherine L
7 years agoI have tried yoga once, I would love to gain more flexibility from it!
Sarah Ann
7 years agoI’ve never tried Yoga before but it is definitely on my list for 2018. I’d love to become more flexible, concentrate on breathing techniques and explore meditation more.
7 years agoI have tried yoga and I am addicted to it, however recently life has been stopping me getting back to my mat. Winning this would help so much
Sarah Austin
7 years agoI’ve tried it before and it helps with stress!
Sam B
7 years agoYes I have tried yoga before, I like that it means I am taking time for myself
Carole Nott
7 years agolove to do Yoga at home – this looks like a great giveaway
clara b
7 years agoI love yoga and find it very relaxing
Katie Skeoch
7 years agoI did a lot if yoga in my 20s. I should really start again as it brings a sense of calm to you
Dean T
7 years agoI tried pilates after I hurt myself weightlifting, never tried yoga but irf it makes me healthier then !!!!
Gillian McClelland
7 years agoI have tried yoga before, it helps calm my anxiety
7 years agoI’m interested in starting to help relax and become stronger
laura jones
7 years agoi used to do yoga but gave it up for reasons i cant understand now! i am starting again as it helps me feel calmer more supple healthier and happier
janine atkin
7 years agoi have never tried but would love to start. id hope to tone up and strengthen my core
Julie Edwards
7 years agoI have not tried yoga but I am hoping that it will help my back and hip problems,
Alison Johnson
7 years agoI have tried both Yoga & pilates but both were many years ago. I would like to try it again to improve my flexibility & tone up a bit.
Nancy Bradford
7 years agoI did try it a few times when I was much younger. I think my health and fitness levels could really use the challenge of yoga.
7 years agoI did yoga years ago and i loved how it made me calm/relaxed when i was doing it.
Joanna Ford
7 years agoYes I used to do it and enjoyed how relaxing it was
Charmaine Dance
7 years agoI love yoga, so relaxing
nicky pearce
7 years agoyes of course!
Julie Wilson
7 years agoI have tried yoga at a taster day and enjoyed it. I would gain flexibility, a reduction of asthma symptoms and improve my general wellbeing.
Violet Perkins Phillippo
7 years agoI have done some yoga before but I would like to learn how to do more. It really helps to strengthen my back.
Victoria Prince
7 years agoI remember trying yoga when I was about 12! But it didn’t last long and I don’t remember anything other than I did it. I’d love to try again because I could do with gaining it’s calming and relaxing influence as things are soo stressful atm!
7 years agoI used to do yoga but didn’t get a lot out of it because 8 was so focused on weight loss. I’m now going to try it again with the focus on the mental health benefits!
Lorraine Broll
7 years agoI’ve only ever tried yoga on the wii. I’d really like to be a bit more flexible.
sarah fielding
7 years agoYes I have been doing yoga for years and it is wonderful!
Sharon Williams
7 years agoNo ive never tried before but i’d like to be more supple
Nicki Ramsay
7 years agoI haven’t tried yoga before. I would like to improve my core strength and become more supple and toned.
Michelle lintern
7 years agoWould like to try, to keep more supple and fit as I approach my 50th birthday
Rachael C
7 years agoYes, I’m trying to do yoga daily to build strength again and quiet the noise in my brain!
Aaron Milne
7 years agoYes have done some yoga in the past
7 years agoI have tried Hatha a long time ago, would love to get back to it, calm my head
clair downham
7 years agono i havent but would love too
Daisy belle
7 years agoI am currently doing yoga because I’m 24 weeks pregnant and it’s great for a light exercise
Rachel White
7 years agoI also have scoliosis and have never been bendy.. you have me intrigued with the yoga suggestion.. definitely look into it
Ana Nowell
7 years agoYes I love yoga
Angela Kelly
7 years agoI haven’t tried yoga but I’m looking for something other than high impact, so this might be the answer.
Samantha Atherton
7 years agoI used to go to classes at my local leisure center but haven’t been for a while as the time weren’t convenient. I really need to go more as I have bad joint and find it helps strengthen them.
Kat Allinson
7 years agoI’ve done a little bit of yoga, I would love to get back into it and hope it would help with my running and help prevent injury
Fiona Johnstone
7 years agoNot tried yoga but heard a lot of good things about it. I’ve been looking for a class locally. Not found one that fits into work hours yet but I’m sure I will.
Jo McPherson
7 years agoI tried it many many years ago, but haven’t done it for some time
Lina Farrell
7 years agoI love yoga, I’m heading near 40 and it’s improved my flexibility. I hope for it to keep me flexible and strong as I get older. It also helps me with meditation, I find it easier to focus on my breath when practicing yoga so I hope for it to help me stay calm in a hectic world.
Marie Rule
7 years agoI have tried Yoga before. I would like to try it again to increase my flexibility and tone.
Christine Hobbs
7 years agoYes I have tried yoga before but after having cataract surgery I am scared to continue practising. I run often and swim but find yoga good for relaxing.
Rose Edwards
7 years agoI love yoga and have tried it before and try to do it weekly but struggle to find time with work and the kids. I do it mainly for stretching and relieving my aches and pains and sore back and neck. This year I want to find more time for it!
Meryl Thomas
7 years agoI have dabbled with yoga, but would like to take it up in the New Year
7 years agoYes, it’s a great way to improve physical and mental well-being.
Phil Rogers
7 years agoI’ve tried yoga several times in the past and it helps in mind and body, my biggest problem is I get dragged away and the forget all about it. My wife has just gone back to yoga classes and I keep saying yes, I will join her in our quest for eternal youth!!
Deirdre Maher
7 years agoConsistency! Since having my baby I have found it very hard to maintain any kind of regularity in my practice. I really hope to get back into Yoga this year as I love it, both for how it makes me feel mentally as well as physically.
Emma Middleton
7 years agoI love yoga. The quiet, flexibility and calmness you get from it really helps you block out the trivial problems front he outside world
Shannon Mostert
7 years agoI have tried yoga before and would like to try it again. I am currently overweight but have lost a stone, this yoga would be great addition to my fitness routine.
Dale Dow
7 years agoI haven’t tried Yoga but I would love to x
Adrian Bold
7 years agoI have never tired it myself, but my partner loves it.
Rebecca Howells (@PeanutHog)
7 years agoYes on the wi fit. To stretch my muscles and help with pain
Wendy Reynolds
7 years agoI’m a yoga teacher so of course I love yoga and all of its amazing benefits – not just the toning of the bingo wings bit. I’m always up for new styles from different teachers. We never stop learning!
Jessica Barber
7 years agoYes! I absolutely love yoga. I’d love to continue to learn about the practice and gain more flexibility as well as mental clarity 🙂
Sandra Jenkinson
7 years agoI need yoga to keep my flexible in my later years
Nick Hubbard
7 years agoAlways wanted to give yoga a try. I need more flexibility!
Fran H
7 years agoI hav enever tried it but would love an increased sense of wellbeing and strength!
Simone Griffin
7 years agoI haven’t but I’d love to improve my posture
Cristín Williams
7 years agoI have tried yoga, always by following a dvd, but have never kept it up for long because I got bored following the same routine every day, I like the sound of this dvd series as it sounds like thirteen different routines which would mean I wouldn’t get bored
7 years agoYes, but I’d love to do more and I’d love more flexibility
Andrea Mlton-White
7 years agoI have tried yoga in a Body Balance class (the les mills class that combines it with Pilates and tai chi), and was amazed at how quickly it changed my shape. I would love to try ‘pure’ yoga to see if it would help increase flexibility even quicker.
Jennifer Baker
7 years agoI really love yoga! I use it for meditation and i’d also like to lose weight, and become more flexible x x x
astrid c
7 years agoi have not really tried yoga, always wanted to but have a young child and cannnot attend classes, this sounds good, i would like to become more supple.
Gemma Massey
7 years agoI’ve never tried yoga but I really want to get into it I suffer from epilepsy, anxiety, panic attacks and depression and heard it’s really good for relieving stress so I’d love this thanks for the chance
Hayley Pemberton
7 years agoi havennt tried it. I would love to help improve mt balance and core strength
zoe brown
7 years agoneed to try do something balance and movement not good at the moment maybe this will help
Hayley Todd
7 years agoI have recently been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Fibromyalgia and my consultant has recommended Yoga as a alternative therapy due to the beneficial affect it has on the body,
Ian Yates
7 years agoIve never tried, but anything to find inner balance would be more than useful.
Allan Fullarton
7 years agoGreat prize! Thanks
Karen Whittaker
7 years agoI tried it once on holiday about 10 years ago, but am starting classes next week!
sharon martin
7 years agoi’ve not tried yoga before but i’d like too, would be great for improving my fitness and core strength, as well as a way to relax/destress
7 years agoI will start yoga classes in February.It is my New Year resolution.Thanx for a giveaway.xxx
Joanna Orr
7 years agoYes, I have tried it before and I really need to strengthen my core muscles as I keep getting lower back isssues!
Zoe Graham
7 years agoyes i love yoga!
Wendy Guy
7 years agoYes I have tried yoga, years ago. I would like to gain more flexibility and loose some inches.
Ruth Wollerton
7 years agoI love yoga because it calms my stresses and has been great for my running injuries.
Elizabeth Yeates
7 years agoI tried about 10 years ago and would like to get back into it
Angela Macdonald
7 years agoI have been going to Dru Yoga classes for a few months now and I love it, I find that I am getting stronger, more flexible and I love how relaxed it makes me feel
7 years agoI have done yoga before – sadly I never stick to a regular practice for long but I am always amazed at how quickly I gain flexibility
Maria P
7 years agoyes, a few times
Natalie Crossan
7 years agoI really want to spend more time doing yoga, I really need to improve my flexibility x
Christopher Read
7 years agoNo, haven’t tried it before but it could help me relax