What a grey and murky week it has been here. Believe it or not, this photograph does not have a black and white filter on it, this was actually the weather on Monday morning. I don’t know about you but when the sky is grey I tend to feel a bit grey in my mood. Thank goodness for lighter evenings!
Other than dodging the huge rain clouds, ‘we’ (you know who I mean here, don’t you?) have been checking out the snow forecast in Les Gets again all week. Yes we will hopefully be indulging in more of the white stuff at half term. Forecast looks good so fingers crossed eh? Can’t be worse than it was at new year!
I love Fridays on my blog, a chance to record all of the lovely things that I’ve been enjoying this week. But I will admit to having to dig deep this week folks so I hope you’ll bear with me…
My Facebook timeline has been full of mental health articles this week. Thursday it was Time to Talk Day, pioneered by the charity Time to Change and next week marks the beginning of Children’s Mental Health Week, run by a charity called Place2Be. As you can imagine, I’m passionate about both of these topics. My daughter spent 5 months in The Priory last year being treated for various mental health issues and one of her main struggles has been talking about it. It really is vital to recovery and something she has had to learn the hard way.
I’ve actually been writing an article for much of this week, which should be published on Mumsnet at the start of Children’s Mental Health Week. It’s kind of consumed my thoughts and I’ve read it over and over again until I think I’m now finally happy with it. It’s a sensitive subject and although so personal, I think we need to share our stories in order for the stigma to be broken. I hope that it will help somebody out there.
As you can see, along with my post on ‘Things I’m Too Old For (but will be embracing anyway)‘ that I shared yesterday, I’ve spent a lot of time writing this week and very little time reading. Sorry folks!
At last we managed to watch Bridget Jones’s Baby on DVD this week. My youngest daughter was desperate to watch it at the cinema when it was first released but unfortunately didn’t turn 15 until after it had finished airing. When I spotted it for £9.99 in Boots earlier this week, I HAD to buy it.
Verdict? I’m sorry to say that it only gets 3 stars from me. Yes I know, I’ve disappointed myself too. I so wanted to adore it but really struggled to get past her face. It just looks weird! And the plot line seemed too familiar. However, I am thrilled that she finally bagged her Mr Darcy (sorry if that spoiled it for anyone) and did enjoy a bit of light-hearted viewing.
I forgot to mention Apple Tree Yard last week. So much suspense in one hour! I was on the edge of my seat and can’t wait to watch episode 3 this Sunday. I literally have no idea what’s going to happen. If you missed it, the first episode is a bit graphic but it’s worth a watch on BBC iplayer.
Trump, Trump and more Trump. I’ve been sick of hearing this man’s name this week so will move swiftly on.
I tend to listen to the same albums over and over again so often struggle a little with in this section of Little Loves. I did however listen to an excellent podcast whilst at the gym the other day, called Forging Stronger Families. I love listening to podcasts when I’m working out, it makes the time go much faster and I actually look forward to it.
The talk was by an american pastor called Bill Hybels. If you fancy spending 40 minutes constructively thinking about your family life and how you could be doing it better, it’s so worth a listen. Don’t be put off by the fact it’s got a Christian or biblical stance, the message is practical and totally accessible to everyone. I honestly think I learnt more in this 40 minutes than the last 4 sessions we’ve spent in family therapy (don’t ask)!
As I mentioned before, the weather has dragged me down a bit this week and I seem to have subconsciously aligned my wardrobe accordingly. This was my outfit on Tuesday. Could there be any more grey?!
I’ve attempted to make red velvet cake three times now. The first time it wasn’t red enough, last time it was too dense (and probably overcooked) but this time? These red velvet cupcakes were just right! You wouldn’t think it would be so hard to get this right but after a few tweaks to the Hummingbird Bakery recipe I think that I’m finally there. I intend to share the joy on the blog next week so watch this space.
I consumed two of these bad boys last night and they were worth every last calorie!
And Lastly…
I always think there should be a ‘purchased’ section in here so I’m going to share a little bargain that made me smile this week – these cute mugs from Robert Dyas for the bargain price of £2.99! I bagged a fox, an owl, a sausage dog and a pug. What’s not to love? Sometimes it’s the little things in life that bring pleasure.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend and that the weather picks up a bit. Enjoy those longer days and think of Spring – it’s mind over matter people!

Sarah MumofThree World
8 years agoYour mugs are so cute! Like you, I hate the grey, miserable weather and am very excited that the evenings are starting to get lighter. Your cakes look delicious and I look forward to seeing your article on Mumsnet next week.
Suzanne W
8 years ago AUTHORThank you Sarah. I deliberated so long and hard over it but hey, it’s important to share if only to erase the stigma. xx
8 years agohttps://youtu.be/EsNM3BUX3go
My daughter, Beth on Oxfordshire TV sharing her story about depression. #proudmummoment
Suzanne W
8 years ago AUTHORThis is fantastic Lisa! I’ve just watched it. Well done both for being so brave. So important to talk and let people know that they’re not alone and that there is help. xx
8 years agoThat mug is the cutest! I love a nice new mug and buy them all the time. We end up with far too many mugs! Your scarf and coat are gorgeous too and I love Bridget Jones Baby but I wish Bridget and Mr Darcy just got back together, had a baby and lived happily ever after – it didn’t need all the one night stand and whose baby is it story. Meh! x
Plutonium Sox
8 years agoAargh I’m gutted that you didn’t think much of Bridget Jones’ Baby! I really want to watch it, might have to see if we can watch it this weekend. Those cupcakes look divine!
Jade @ Captured By Jade
8 years agoGrey and dreary weather definitely makes me feel the same. We’ve had rain literally all week long, and I can’t wait to see the back of it. I’m with on the mention of Trump – I obviously understand why we’re non stop talking about him, but I literally want to go just one day without having to hear or see his name! The cupcakes looks delicious and the new cup super cute! I hope you have a lovely weekend.
Mum Reinvented
8 years agoThose cakes look rather heavenly! Love your new mugs too. I liked Bridget Jones’s Baby, but I definitely agree her face is a bit off, much like Lorelei’s in the new Gilmore Girls episodes that aired recently. That podcast sounds interesting – I’ve never listened to it before and was wondering where to find them, so may even start with that one. Looking forward to reading your article. Hope you have a lovely weekend x
8 years agoMust read your article on Mumsnet, it’s great that you’ve shared your story. As you said, it may help someone somewhere. I need to catch the second episode of Apple Tree Yard, loved the first one. Even though the weather was dreary, that photo is gorgeous! Enjoy your weekend xx
Rachel In Real Life
8 years agoLoving your new mugs Suzanne, very cute. I’ve felt pretty miserable and down for weeks, to the point that this week my husband snapped at me and told me to up my meetings. Oops! The arrival of the lighter evenings earlier this week put a smile on my face though. Those cupcakes look delicious.
8 years agoOh I was the same with Bridget Jones – I did enjoy it but her face I just couldn’t get past it. She looks like a completely different person.
Those cakes look absolutely amazing!! Have a good week Lovely xx
Renee @ Mummy Tries
8 years agoI think she’s a very brave girl. It’s not easy talking about mental health at first, but it gets a lot lot easier. The breakthrough for me was letting go of the idea that I had to be liked by everyone, and not caring what (significant) people thought of me xx
8 years agoLove the mug. I have a thing for new mugs. I never have enough. Hoping the lighter days help always gets me out of my funk. I just can’t handle the dark cold days sometimes. Those cupcakes making me hungry. I could kill for one right now. Yum. Hope you had a great weekend. #littleloves
8 years agoSorry that you’ve had to dig deep for the little loves Suzanne, I think we were in the same boat for that. I’m going to have a listen to the podcast you recommended it sounds like it could be really helpful.
I’ve not watched the new Bridget Jones and it sounds like I made the right decision not to bother with it! I enjoyed the first one but that’s it really. Hope this week is good to you xxx