Where actually has all the sunshine gone? I think you northerners must have pinched it! We’ve been shrouded in this horrible freezing fog all week and I’m really beginning to wish for January to end and Spring to be a little closer than it actually is.
We’ve had decorators in the house this week, meaning that my ‘Playroom to Snug’ transformation is at last becoming more than just a Pinterest board. More on that to come. We had our wood burning stove installed last weekend and it has been an absolute God-send in this cold weather. Loving it already.
Want to know what else I’ve been loving this week?
Buying a Red magazine is one of life’s little pleasures. I used to have a subscription but kept forgetting to read it. In short, I took it for granted. Now however, I only buy it when I know that I will have time to devour it and I consequently appreciate it all the more.
My favourite column in the whole magazine, the one I turn to first, is Rosie Green’s. I hope I’m not doing her a disservice here but I think she’s about the same age as me and quite possibly in the same stage of life. I sit and smile the whole way through reading it. In fact she was my inspiration to begin writing a blog – I just love the way she captures the ordinary, making it amusing and relatable every time (that’s my aim if you hadn’t already noticed!).
If you only watch one thing this week, make it this. Kristina is my new hero. I discovered her about a year ago and now we’re best of friends. Ok we haven’t actually met yet…or even conversed online, BUT she’s a kindred spirit, especially when it comes to parenting. You might just find her to be the same. Either way, she’s hilarious.
Did I tell you that I finished watching The Crown? I loved everything about it – the suspense (so many things I didn’t know about the Royals), the clothing, the history, the drama. Ten episodes of total gloriousness. Now I need something else to occupy my evenings. The husband hates Gilmore Girls so that has to be snuck in during the day. Ideas anyone?
Let’s just talk about James Arthur for a moment. His songs (most of them) are miserable, right? Never mind the fact that he is a product of the XFactor! But there is something so mesmerising about his raspy voice. I am loving his new song – Safe Inside – which is clearly also Capital Radio’s new favourite as they’ve been playing it 24/7. Have you heard it?
This is a slight cheat really, because I haven’t actually worn this item yet. I’ve tried it on numerous times and have gazed at it on the hanger but it’s been too darn cold to wear!
I’ve been contemplating a (faux) leather jacket for a while. I see them on other people and they look fabulous. I mentally visualise them on me and I feel too old; never mind the fact that the people I’ve seen wearing them are often way older than me!
BUT, I walked into H&M last week and decided to throw caution to the wind (ignoring my daughter’s pleas) and parted with £39.95 – bargain huh?
I am currently compiling a list entitled ‘Things that I am too old for (but will be embracing anyway)‘. I intend to share it on the blog next week, so stay tuned pop pickers*.
I’ve made some decisions this week, of the decorating variety. I’m not sure what happened to me over the last decade but I find it so hard to come to any decisions where the house is concerned. If in doubt, opt for grey – works every time!
I’ve also ordered a sofa (without the husband’s prior approval); after deliberating for months on end, at some point I think you just have to go for it.
Soup has been on the agenda again this week – broccoli and stilton this time. You can see how to make this incredibly easy recipe along with two other soups, on this post I shared earlier in the week.
And Lastly…
I’m flying solo until Sunday, as the husband has gone away for a ‘long weekend’. Why the inverted commas? I think that Tuesday to Sunday would be better described as ‘five days’ but hey, what do I know? I jest, of course. He deserves a break from the rat race and anyway, it means I can fully justify the THREE days that I’ve just booked in Lisbon!
Have a wonderful weekend lovelies. Stay warm!
*An expression that only those over 40 who used to listen to Radio 1 in 1989, will understand.

Sarah MumofThree World
8 years agoLove your jacket! I bought one when I was in mid-30s and it’s still hanging around somewhere. Maybe I should get it out?!
I haven’t heard the new James Arthur song yet. I think Radio 1 are less keen to play it. I didn’t even hear Say You Won’t Let Go until it was already number 1 (and I listen to Radio 1 A LOT!).
Good luck with your decorating project and I’m very impressed with the soup-making!
Suzanne W
8 years ago AUTHORYou must dig it out! I can imagine it would suit you. Who cares how old we are?!
8 years agoOh I love your leather jacket – I got one last year and wear it religiously especially around the Autumn time. Soon you will be wondering how you coped without one!
I used to love reading a good mag – I’m tempted to treat myself to one this weekend and go hide somewhere to read it.
Have a lovely weekend…and lisbon sounds exciting! #littleloves
Suzanne W
8 years ago AUTHORI imagine I will be wearing it to death once spring arrives. I think a magazine is good when you’ve got baby brain – it’s certainly all could cope with! Treat yourself. xx
8 years agoThat jacket looks amazing and you will totally rock it – you aren’t too old for anything but looking forward to that post. I keep forgetting how old I am 🙂 I love that top under the jacket too x
8 years agoSo do I Donna, then I realise and get cold feet lol! xx
Mum Reinvented
8 years agoI love James Arthur and that new song is gorgeous. You mentioning soup again just reminded me I need to go get the chorizo so I can make your other one this weekend – forgot again today! Ha ha sounds like what my teen would do if I bought a leather jacket – she has a thing about what’s appropriate for me to wear these days cheeky moo! Have a great weekend x
8 years agoI think teenage girls have an opinion on everything! Now go and get that darn chorizo lol! x
8 years agoI love indulging in a good magazine, although I never really buy them. LOVE that leather jacket, but agree on it not being the right weather just yet. Enjoy your weekend xx
Suzanne W
8 years ago AUTHORThanks Stacie, hanging out there for some slightly warmer weather! xx
Plutonium Sox
8 years agoOoh I’m envious of your wood burning stove! That must just be perfect in this cold weather. I’m off to check out your playroom to snug pinterest board too, I’d love a snug, even the word makes me feel cosy.
Suzanne W
8 years ago AUTHORMy kids keep laughing at me calling it a ‘snug’ cos we’ve always called it the playroom but now they’re older, it sounds silly! Anyway, whatever it is, the wood burning stove is fabulous! xx
Tracey Williams
8 years agoLove the jacket Suzanne and I agree that you will totally rock it.. What do teenage girls know anyway lol. Can’t wait to see your transformation from playroom to snug. We have a playroom and I dream that one day it will not be filled with dolls, cuddly toys and lots more shit. I quite like James Arthur too, is that ok to admit when you are over 40 ? #littleloves x
Suzanne W
8 years ago AUTHORAbsolutely it’s ok Tracey! I think we are firmly in the same club 😉 xx
8 years agoOh so much to love here Suzanne. That soup, that jacket with that blouse, a new vlogger to watch and love and so much recommended thanks. Can’t wait to see the transformation too. Hope you are having a lovely weekend. #littleloves
stacey - mums blind love
8 years agoHow have not heard that song! And what a great vlog, thats another vlogger to definitely subscribe to. I love the jacket, hopefully you get the opportunity to wear it soon.
8 years agoWhat a gorgeous little loves round up. I do love a leather jacket, I treated myself to a real one for my birthday, feels like a real treat. That soup and absolutely love my red mag subscription. Although like you I have failed to read my last copy, this one is still going strong. Commenting on behalf of Morgana and myself x
Not A Frumpy Mum
8 years agoI love your jacket, I treated myself to one this week too. I wore it yesterday and completely fell in love with it! The soup looks delicious! xx