‘It’s just a season’ is a sentence that I have heard myself utter several times of late. So much so that I’m even beginning to irritate myself. Try as I might, there is no other word that adequately describes what I’m wanting to say so it’s kind of stuck.
I don’t need to tell you that seasons come and go (there I go again) and some we like more than others. What I’ve realised lately however, is that these seasons not only play a key part in nature but also our personal lives. Let me explain what I mean…
Spring is my personal favourite – plans afoot, plenty of ideas buzzing around and the promise of a bright future not so far away.
We all love summer don’t we? Life is on the up, we are jumping out of bed in the morning with loads to look forward to and it feels good to be alive.
By the time autumn comes around we are in need of some down time, a rest from the frantic whirlwind that is summer and as the nights begin to draw in, we are all a little thankful.
I’m not sure anyone really looks forward to the cold, harsh reality of winter with its dark days and quest for hibernation but whether we like it or not, our bodies and minds need it.
Someone Direct Me to the Wardrobe
I’m currently in the depths of winter. Personal circumstances mean that my life feels on hold in many ways. We’ve taken to hibernating, sometimes out of necessity but often because we’ve become so accustomed to it that anything else feels uncomfortable.
A bit like the exposed trees in winter, waiting for those fresh buds to appear, I feel like I’m in a period of waiting, not knowing when or if the first signs of new life are ever going to come. Of course they will eventually, but sometimes ‘winter’ can seem interminable can’t it? Especially if like me, you’re naturally a ‘spring’ person, bursting with fresh ideas and enthusiasm for life. Right now, I’m beginning to feel a little like Lucy in Narnia, unable to find her way back to the wardrobe.
Why am I telling you this?
I’m telling you this for a few reasons really but partly because this season seems to be hindering my creativity. I am lacking in inspiration which means that my blog is suffering and I don’t like it. Remember what I said about being a ‘spring’ person? Rather than beating myself up however, I think that the best route is to accept it and hope that you’ll all hang on in there.
I know that I am not the only person on the planet who is going through a tricky time so if you’re reading this and what I’m clumsily trying to articulate is resonating with you, be kind to yourself. Remember that winter is just as necessary as summer and rather than fight it, we need to embrace it.
It’s important to remember that like it or not, there are plenty of good things about winter – literally and metaphorically. In a quest to quieten my mind, ‘winter’ is looking like daily walks in the crisp air, doing puzzles, reading books, immersing myself in Netflix and turning my inbox off to anything other than essential correspondence. I’ve also taken to recording 3 things I’m grateful for at the end of every day and it has become a very worthwhile habit.
Lastly, if you know me in real life, please bear with me. I am acutely aware that I’ve cancelled plans, not returned phone calls, dropped out of all commitments (other than the non-negotiable ones) and am not the best company right now. In some ways I am quite proud of myself for accepting that hibernation is more than okay at the moment. In fact hibernation is necessary in order to survive.
What season of life are you in at the moment? Whichever one it is, remember that they are all a key part of the cycle.
Sarah MumofThree World
6 years agoWell done for accepting that you have to put up with your own personal ‘winter’ now. It’s hard having to turn stuff down and slow down if that isn’t naturally your way, It sounds like the right decision for you now and I hope your own spring, as well as actual spring isn’t too far away. x
6 years agoThank you Suzanne, I’ve been in winter and hibernation for a long time and there seems no end to it, we also as a family are in winter too, life is too hard sometimes.
Plutonium Sox
6 years agoI hope that things improve for you and all the family soon Suzanne. I totally agree with you about ‘hibernation’, everything will still be there when you feel ready to face it.
michelle twin mum
6 years agoIt’s really healthy to know you’re in Winter and to be kind to yourself and allow yourself to feel and do the things you need to do. Take care of yourself. Mich x
6 years agoFor me, hibernation has a little less to do with the seasons, and more to do with my being an introvert. As much as I love social gatherings and crave the company of friends, there are times I just need to do something on my own. I know that this year, I’ve over-committed to projects and events, but I know now what I can no longer do. Enjoy your hibernation. I’m looking forward to your “spring” whenever it arrives. xo Nipa @fashionipa
Suzanne W
6 years ago AUTHORThanks so much Nipa. It’s been a hard season and I think it’s only right to sometimes switch our minds off from the unnecessary demands of life. I’m not an introvert so this doesn’t come naturally! xx
6 years agoSuzanne,
Towards the end of last autumn I did something I should have done a long time before — I repotted a rather unhappy-looking rose-bush that needed a more spacious pot. I used plenty of fresh compost. Then I put the plant back in the place it had inhabited for years, watered it, and left it in peace. All the old leaves eventually fell off.
A couple of weeks ago, new buds were visible, and now the rose-bush looks set to thrive in the spring and summer.
Suzanne W
6 years ago AUTHORA great analogy. Sometimes repotting is necessary hey? Which reminds me, i have a plant that DESPERATELY needs repotting! Thanks for your comment 🙂
Tricia Cooper
6 years agoHope you are OK Suzanne, be kind to yourself. God Bless you and your lovely family.
Jill Bald
6 years ago“ ……spring is like that now
Far beneath the snow
Hiding in the place where the lost things go”
Mary Poppins Returns – Where lost things go
Tracey Williams
6 years agoThe other week I hibernated for a good few days, not even bothering to leave the house. I tried to tell myself that it was ok to hibernate from time to time, that sometimes our minds just need time to read, nap, watch trashy daytime TV without feeling guilty. Once I accepted this, I actually felt ok with it and even went as far as enjoying those days around the house in comfy clothes. Spring is just around the corner, and hopefully brighter days for us both xx.
Suzanne W
6 years ago AUTHORI totally agree Tracey. We just don’t want to make it a long-term thing or it can actually be bad for our health. Hoping things are now brighter for you too. xx
6 years agoGreat blog. Sometimes we have to hunker down and concentrate on the family, family and good friends will always understand!